Italian Renaissance Art a Sourcebook National Gallery of Art

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Christopher 50.C.Eastward. Witcombe

Renaissance Art in Italia
Renaissance Art: General Art in Italy: 13th and 14th Centuries
Early Renaissance: 15th Century High Renaissance & Mannerism: 16th Century
Duecento Trecento Quattrocento Cinquecento Maniera

Fine art History
Books by Christopher Fifty.C.E. Witcombe

SITE Index
  • Contents Page
  • Prehistoric Art
  • Art in Ancient Egypt
  • Art in the Ancient Near East
  • Art in Ancient Greece
  • Art in Ancient Rome
  • Early Christian & Byzantine Art
  • Fine art in Early Europe
  • Islamic Art
  • Early Medieval Art
  • Gothic Art
  • Renaissance Art outside Italy
  • Bizarre Art
  • 18th-Century Art
  • 19th-Century Art
  • 20th-Century Fine art
  • Gimmicky Art
  • Art in Eastern asia
  • Fine art in India & Southeast Asia
  • Art in Africa
  • Fine art in the Americas
  • Fine art in Oceania
  • Prints & Photography
  • Art History Research Resources
  • Art History News & Blogs
  • Art History
    eBooks by Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe

    An Introduction to Art and Civilization in Aboriginal Egypt.
    Art in Ancient Egypt Volume 1
    Apple Books, 2019
    A Survey Art in Ancient Arab republic of egypt from Predynastic Times to the Graeco-Roman Period.
    Art in Ancient Egypt Book 2
    Apple Books, 2019
    Art's History in Europe Part 1: Prehistoric Europe, Egypt, Nearly E, Aegean, Greece
    Apple Books, 2014
    The Visual Experience of ART
    Apple Books, 2012
    Venus of Willendorf
    Apple tree Books, 2013
    853 Beautiful Victorian Paintings
    Apple Books, 2014

    Top of page
    • European Art in the Renaissance (through the Metropolitan Museum of Art'south Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History)
      • Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528)
      • Beefcake in the Renaissance
      • Annibale Carracci (1560–1609)
      • Antonello da Messina (ca. 1430–1479)
      • Architecture in Renaissance Italia
      • Arms and Armor in Renaissance Europe
      • Arms and Armor—Common Misconceptions and Ofttimes Asked Questions
      • Art and Love in the Italian Renaissance
      • Nascence and Family in the Italian Renaissance
      • The Birth and Infancy of Christ in Italian Painting
      • Botanical Imagery in European Painting
      • Bronze Sculpture in the Renaissance
      • Burgundian Netherlands: Court Life and Patronage
      • Burgundian Netherlands: Private Life
      • Cameo Appearances
      • Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) (1571–1610) and his Followers
      • Ceramics in the French Renaissance
      • The Chopine
      • Collecting for the Kunstkammer
      • Commedia dell'arte
      • Commercial Exchange, Diplomacy, and Religious Difference between Venice and the Islamic earth
      • Couples in Art
      • Courting and Betrothal in the Italian Renaissance
      • The Crucifixion and Passion of Christ in Italian Painting
      • The Decoration of Arms and Armor
      • The Ornament of European Armor
      • The Development of the Recorder
      • Direct versus Indirect Casting of Small Bronzes in the Italian Renaissance
      • Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri) (1581–1641)
      • Domestic Art in Renaissance Italy
      • Donatello (ca. 1386–1466)
      • Dutch and Flemish Artists in Rome, 1500–1600
      • Early Netherlandish Painting
      • East and W: Chinese Export Porcelain
      • El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) (1541–1614)
      • Elizabethan England
      • English Embroidery of the Tardily Tudor and Stuart Eras
      • Europe and the Age of Exploration
      • Europe and the Islamic World, 1600–1800
      • European Tapestry Production and Patronage, 1400–1600
      • Famous Makers and European Centers of Arms and Armor Product
      • Fashion in European Armor
      • Fashion in European Armor, 1400–1500
      • Manner in European Armor, 1500–1600
      • Manner in European Armor, 1600–1700
      • Filippino Lippi (1456/47–1504)
      • Fire Gilding of Arms and Armor
      • Fontainebleau
      • Food and Drink in European Painting, 1400–1800
      • Fra Angelico (1395/1400–1455)
      • The Role of Armor in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
      • Gardens in the French Renaissance
      • Gerard David (built-in nigh 1455, died 1523)
      • The Ghent Altarpiece
      • The Guitar
      • Hendrick Goltzius (1558–1617)
      • The Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburgs, 1400–1600
      • Equus caballus Armor in Europe
      • How Medieval and Renaissance Tapestries Were Made
      • Images of Artifact in Limoges Enamels in the French Renaissance
      • Intentional Alterations of Early Netherlandish Painting
      • Islamic Art and Culture: the Venetian Perspective
      • Italian Renaissance Frames
      • Jacopo dal Ponte, called Bassano (ca. 1510–1592)
      • January Gossart (ca. 1478–1532) and His Circle
      • Jan van Eyck (ca. 1380/90–1441)
      • Juan de Flandes (active by 1496, died 1519)
      • Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)
      • List of Rulers of Europe
      • The Lute
      • Maiolica in the Renaissance
      • Mannerism: Bronzino (1503–1572) and his Contemporaries
      • Manuscript Illumination in Italy, 1400–1600
      • Manuscript Illumination in Northern Europe
      • The Master of Monte Oliveto (agile about 1305–35)
      • The Materials and Techniques of English Embroidery of the Late Tudor and Stuart Eras
      • Military Music in American and European Traditions
      • Music in the Renaissance
      • Northern Italian Renaissance Painting
      • Northern Mannerism in the Early on Sixteenth Century
      • The Nude in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
      • Nuptial Furnishings in the Italian Renaissance
      • Painting in Italian Choir Books, 1300–1500
      • Painting in Oil in the Low Countries and Its Spread to Southern Europe
      • Painting the Life of Christ in Medieval and Renaissance Italia
      • Paintings of Honey and Marriage in the Italian Renaissance
      • The Papacy and the Vatican Palace
      • The Papacy during the Renaissance
      • Pastoral Charms in the French Renaissance
      • Patronage at the Later Valois Courts (1461–1589)
      • Patronage of Jean de Drupe (1340–1416)
      • Petrus Christus (active by 1444, died 1475/76)
      • Pieter Bruegel the Elder (ca. 1525/xxx–1569)
      • Pilgrimage in Medieval Europe
      • Portraiture in Renaissance and Baroque Europe
      • Prague during the Rule of Rudolph II (1583–1612)
      • The Printed Prototype in the West: Aquatint
      • The Printed Prototype in the Due west: Drypoint
      • The Printed Epitome in the W: Engraving
      • The Printed Image in the West: Etching
      • The Printed Paradigm in the W: History and Techniques
      • The Printed Image in the W: Mezzotint
      • The Printed Image in the W: Woodcut
      • Profane Love and Erotic Art in the Italian Renaissance
      • The Rediscovery of Classical Antiquity
      • The Reformation
      • Renaissance Drawings: Material and Part
      • Renaissance Keyboards
      • Renaissance Organs
      • Renaissance Velvet Textiles
      • Renaissance Violins
      • Shoes in The Costume Establish
      • Sienese Painting
      • Sixteenth-Century Painting in Emilia-Romagna
      • Sixteenth-Century Painting in Lombardy
      • Sixteenth-Century Painting in Venice and the Veneto
      • Techniques of Decoration on Arms and Armor
      • Titian (ca. 1488–1576)
      • Merchandise Relations amongst European and African Nations
      • Venetian Color and Florentine Pattern
      • Venice and the Islamic World, 828–1797
      • Venice'due south Principal Muslim Trading Partners: the Mamluks, the Ottomans, and the Safavids
      • Violin Makers: Nicolò Amati (1596–1684) and Antonio Stradivari (ca. 1644–1737)
      • Weddings in the Italian Renaissance
      • Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: Florence in the 1490s
      • Woodcut Book Analogy in Renaissance Italy: The Kickoff Illustrated Books
      • Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italian republic: Venice in the 1490s
      • Woodcut Book Illustration in Renaissance Italy: Venice in the Sixteenth Century
    • Italian Renaissance Art (through Michael Greenhalgh'southward ArtServe at the Australian National Academy)
    • Italian Renaissance Architecture (through Michael Greenhalgh'due south ArtServe at the Australian National University)
    • Renaissance & Mannerist Compages (through Howard Partridge's Cupola)
    • Renaissance (an Annenberg/CPB Exhibit), with links to:
      • Introduction
      • Out of the Centre Ages
        • The New Centre Class and the Resurgence of the Urban center
      • Exploration and Trade
        • Explorers and Trade in the Renaissance
      • Printing and Thinking
        • How Thinking Changed in the Renaissance
      • Symmetry, Shape, Size
        • Renaissance architecture, painting, and music
      • Focus on Florence
        • Life in Florence
        • Florentine Art and Compages

    Fine art IN Italia: 13th and 14th Centuries (including Italo-Byzantine, Dugento and Trecento)
    Height of page

    • Late Gothic Artists (list and links provided through the Artcyclopedia)
    • Proto-Renaissance (through WikiPaintings)
      • Cimabue
      • Giotto
    • Artists in late twelfth- 13th- and 14th-Century Italia (through the Spider web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx)
      • Bonaventura Berlinghieri
      • Coppo di Marcovaldo
      • Guido da Siena
      • Cimabue, with links to
        • Frescoes in the Upper Church of San Francesco at Assisi
        • Paintings of the Crucifixion
        • Paintings of the Madonna
        • Mosaics
      • Jacopo Torriti
        • Mosaics in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome (completed 1296)
        • Frescoes in the Upper Church building of San Francesco, Assisi (1290s)
      • Pietro Cavallini
        • Frescoes in Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Rome (Last Judgement)
        • Mosaics in Santa Maia in Trastevere, Rome (1296-1300)
        • Other Paintings
      • Niccolò
      • Andrea Pisano
        • Southward doors of the Baptistry in Florence
      • Giovanni Pisano
        • Pulpits in Pistoia and Pisa (1301-1311)
        • Sculptures in the Cathedral of Siena (1280-95)
        • Other Works
      • Nicola Pisano
      • Nino Pisano
      • Arnolfo di Cambio
        • Tomb of Cardinal de Braye in Orvieto
        • Works in Rome
        • Tabernacle in Southward. Cecilia in Trastevere in Rome
        • Presepio in S. Maria Maggiore in Rome
        • Works in Florence Cathedral
        • Diverse works outside Rome
        • Architecture
      • Giotto
        • Frescoes in the Church of San Francesco, Assisi
          • Fable of St. Francis
          • New Testament scenes
          • Frescoes in the Lower Church
            • Frescoes on the ceiling of the northward transept of the Lower Church
            • Frescoes in the crossing vault of the Lower Church building
            • Frescoes in the Magdalene Chapel of the Lower Church
        • Frescoes in the Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua
          • Scenes from the Life of Joachim
          • Scenes from the Life of the Virgin
          • Scenes from the Life of Christ
          • Last Judgment
          • Angels: details from frescoes
          • Heads and gazes: details from the fresco cycles
          • Heads: details from the Last Judgment fresco
          • Decoration of the vault
          • Seven Vices and Seven Virtues
          • Decorative elements of the Chapel
        • Frescoes in the Church of Santa Croce in Florence
          • Frescoes in the Peruzzi Chapel (c. 1315)
          • Frescoes in the Bardi Chapel (1325-28)
        • Panel Paintings
          • Paintings of the Crucifixion
          • Miscellaneous Panels
          • Panels of a Dismembered Polyptych
          • The Stefaneschi Altarpiece
          • The Baroncelli Polytpych
        • Miscellaneous Works
          • Fragments
          • The Navicella Mosaic
          • Bong Tower (Campanile) of Florence Cathedral
      • Maso di Banco
        • Frescoes in the Bardi di Vernio Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence (c. 1335)
        • Various paintings
      • Bernardo Daddi
      • Agnolo Gaddi
        • Legend of the True Cross, fresco cycle in the Chapel of Santa Croce, Florence (1385-87)
        • Various paintings
      • Taddeo Gaddi
        • Frescoes in the Baroncelli Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence (c. 1330)
        • Frescoes in Santa Croce, Florence (c. 1360)
        • Panel paintings
      • Niccolò Semitecolo
      • Master of St. Cecilia
      • Duccio di Buoninsegna
        • The Maestà
          • Front Crowning Section of the Maestà
          • Back Crowning Section of the Maestà
          • Front Predella Department of the Maestà
          • Back Predella Section of the Maestà
          • Back Panel of the Maestà (Page 1)
          • Back Panel of the Maestà (Page 2)
          • Back Panel of the Maestà (Page 3)
        • Ruccelai Madonna
      • Simone Martini
        • Early Works
        • The Maestà in the Sala del Mappamondo, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena (1315)
        • Frescoes in St Martin Chapel of the Lower Church building of San Francesco at Assisi
          • Frescoes on the entrance wall and the under-surface of the entrance arch
          • Scenes from the Life of St Martin
          • Frescoes in the transept
        • Altarpieces
          • Altar of St. Louis of Toulouse
          • The Cambridge Altarpiece
          • Polyptych of Santa Caterina (Pisa Polyptych)
          • Orvieto Polyptych and Related Works
          • Blessed Agostino Novello Altarpiece
        • The Fresco of Guidoriccio da Fogliano in the Sala del Mappamondo, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena (c. 1330)
        • Paintings of the Annunciation
        • The Last Works
          • Passion Polyptych (or Orsini Polyptych)
      • Pietro Lorenzetti
        • Frescoes in the s transept of the Lower Church building, San Francesco, Assisi
          • Frescoes on the vault of the south transept of the Lower Church, San Francesco, Assisi
          • The Crucifixion in the south transept of the Lower Church, San Francesco, Assisi
          • Frescoes on the arch of the southward transept of the Lower Church, San Francesco, Assisi
        • Diverse paintings
      • Ambrogio Lorenzetti
        • Frescoes of the Proficient and Bad Regime
      • Francesco Traini
      • Lorenzo Maitani
      • Orcagna
      • Nardo di Cione
        • Frescoes in the Strozzi Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, Florence (1354-57)
        • Various paintings
      • Andrea da Firenze
        • Frescoes in the Spanish Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, Florence (1366-67)
        • Various paintings
      • Giovanni da Milano
        • Panel paintings
        • Frescoes in the Rinuccini Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence (1365)
      • Barna da Siena
      • Lorenzo Monaco
        • Paintings until 1410
        • Paintings from 1411
        • Illuminations
      • Paolo Veneziano
      • Spinello Aretino
        • Scenes from the Life of St Benedict, fresco cycle in the Sacristy of San Miniato al Monte, Florence (1388)
        • Diverse paintings
      • Altichiero da Zevio
        • Frescoes in the Oratorio di San Giorgio, Padua (1378-84)
        • Frescoes in Sant'Antonio, Padua (1376-79)
      • Bonino da Campione
      • Francesco di Valdambrino
    • Gothic Sculpture in Italy (through Thais: 1200 years of Italian Sculpture)
      • Agostino di Giovanni
      • Andrea Pisano
      • Alberto Arnoldi
      • Arnolfo di Cambio
      • Bonino da Campione
      • Filippo Brunelleschi
      • Dalle Masegne Jacobello
      • Jacopo Della Quercia
      • Domenico De' Cori
      • Fra' Guglielmo
      • Gano di Fazio
      • Lorenzo Ghiberti
      • Giovanni di Balduccio
      • Giovanni Pisano
      • Goro di Gregorio
      • Maestro Campionese
      • Lorenzo Maitani
      • Nanni di Banco
      • Nanni di Bartolo
      • Nicola Pisano
      • Nino Pisano
      • Andrea Orcagna
      • Tino di Camaino
    • Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Well-nigh Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects
      • Cimabue
      • Nicola and Giovanni Pisano
      • Giotto
      • Duccio
      • Giusto de' Menabuoi
    • 13th- and 14th-Century Artists (through Olga'due south Gallery)
      • Cimabue (Italian, 1240-1302)
      • Duccio di Buoninsegna (Italian, 1255-1319)
      • Giotto(Italian, 1266-1337)
      • Ambrogio Lorenzetti (Italian, 1290-1348)
      • Pietro Lorenzetti (Italian, 1280-1348)
      • Simone Martini (Italian, 1280/85-1344)
    • The Fine art of Giotto: A Guided Tour (through the Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx), with links to:
      • Frescoes in the Church of San Francesco at Assisi
        • Upper Church
          • Fable of St. Francis
          • Scenes from the New Testament
        • Frescoes Attributed to Giotto in the Lower Church
          • Crossing vault (Franciscan Allegories)
          • Vault of the north transept
          • Magdalene Chapel
      • The Arena Chapel (Scrovegni Chapel) in Padua
        • Frescoes
        • Scenes from the Life of Joachim
        • Scenes from the Life of the Virgin
        • Scenes from the Life of Christ
        • The Concluding Judgment
        • Decorative Elements
      • Panel Paintings
      • Frescoes in the Bardi Chapel of Santa Croce in Florence
      • Frescoes in the Peruzzi Chapel of Santa Croce in Florence
    • La Renaissance (through the WebMuseum, Paris), with links to:
      • The Renaissance in Italy, with links to:
        • Pietro Cavallini
        • Giotto di Bondone, with an additional link to:
          • The Mourning of Christ, Fresco, Cappella dell'Arena, Padua
        • Simone Martini
      • Italian Painting 13th-14th centuries, in the National Gallery of Fine art, Washington, DC
        • Byzantine Art and Painting in Italy during the 1200s and 1300s
        • Painting in Siena in the 14th and Early 15th Centuries

      EARLY RENAISSANCE: 15th Century
      Top of folio

      • Early Renaissance Artists (list and links provided through the Artcyclopedia)
      • Early Renaissance (through WikiPaintings)
        • Jacopo Bellini
        • Sandro Botticelli
        • Filippo Brunelleschi
        • Piero della Francesca
        • Fra Angelico
        • Filippo Lippi
        • Masaccio
        • Antonello da Messina
        • Paolo Uccello
        • Pietro Perugino
      • Artists in 15th-Century Italy (through the Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx)
        • Filippo Brunelleschi
        • Michelozzo di Bartolomeo
          • Compages
          • Sculpture
        • Lorenzo Ghiberti
          • East Door of the Baptistery in Florence
        • Donatello
          • Early Works
            • Funeral Monument to the anti-pope John XXIII
            • Statues of David
            • Statues for the Florence Cathedral
            • Statues for the Orsanmichele in Florence
            • Works in Siena
            • Various early works
          • Mature Works
            • The Cantoria (singers' gallery)
            • Works in the Basilica di Sant'Antonio in Padua
            • The Pulpit for the Cathedral in Prato
            • The Old Sacristy of San Lorenzo in Florence
            • Various mature works
          • Late Works
            • Judith and Holofernes
            • The pulpits of the San Lorenzo in Florence
            • Diverse tardily works
        • Nanni di Banco
        • Piero di Niccolò Lamberti
        • Niccolò di Piero Lamberti
        • Nanni di Bartolo
        • Jacopo della Quercia
          • Works in Bologna and Lucca
          • Works in Siena and other places
        • Works in Bologna and Lucca
      • Master of the Mascoli Chantry
      • Jacobello Del Fiore
      • Niccolò di Pietro
      • Gentile da Fabriano
        • Adoration of the Magi (1423)
        • Quaratesi Polyptych (1425)
        • Various paintings
      • Masaccio
        • Frescoes in the Cappella Brancacci of Santa Maria della Carmine in Florence
          • Expulsion from the Garden
          • Frescoes from the life of St Peter
          • Tribute Money
        • Pisa Altarpiece (1426)
        • Trinity, fresco in the Santa Maria Novella in Florence
        • Various panel paintings
      • Masolino
        • Frescoes in the Cappella Brancacci of Santa Maria della Carmine in Florence (1426-27)
        • Frescoes in San Clemente, Rome (1425-31)
        • Frescoes in in the Baptistery and Collegiata, Castiglione Olona (1435)
        • Various paintings (mainly panels)
      • Fra Angelico
        • San Domenico Altarpiece (1423-24)
        • Prado Altarpiece (1430-32)
        • Linaioli Tabernacle (c. 1433)
        • Last Judgement (c. 1431)
        • The Cortona Altarpiece (The Proclamation, 1433-34)
        • The Cortona Polyptych (c. 1437)
        • Perugia Triptych (1447-48)
        • San Marco Altarpiece (1438-xl)
        • Santa Trinità Altarpiece (1437-40)
        • Frescoes in the Convento di San Marco (1438-fifty)
          • Frescoes in the upper floor cells
          • Frescoes on the corridors and in the Chapter Room
        • Frescoes in the Cappella Niccolina of the Palazzi Pontifici in Vatican (1447-49)
        • Paintings for the Armadio degli Argenti (1451-52)
        • Diverse Altarpieces
        • Various Panels
        • Miscellaneous works (illuminations, frescoes and drawings)
      • Fra Filippo Lippi
        • Paintings in the 1430s
        • Paintings in the 1440s
        • Paintings in the 1450s
        • Fresco cycle in Prato Cathedral (1452-66)
        • Paintings in the 1460s
        • Fresco cycle in Spoleto Cathedral (1466-69)
      • Filippino Lippi
        • Paintings until 1485
        • Paintings from 1486
        • Frescoes in the Cappella Brancacci of Santa Maria della Carmine in Florence
        • Frescoes in the Carafa Chapel of S. Maria sopra Minerva in Rome
        • Frescoes in the Strozzi Chapel, Southward. Maria Novella, Florence
      • Luca della Robbia
        • Cantoria (vocalist'southward gallery) of the Florence Cathedral
        • Other works for Florence Cathedral
        • Madonna images
        • Various works
      • Andrea della Robbia
        • Glazed terracottas in La Verna Sanctuary
        • Miscellaneous terracottas
      • Giovanni della Robbia
      • Bernardo Rossellino
      • Antonio Rossellino
      • Paolo Uccello
        • Frescoes in the Green Cloister of the Santa Maria Novella in Florence
        • Frescoes in the Prato Cathedral
        • Frescoes in the Florence Cathedral
        • Three Incidents from the Battle of San Romano
        • Miracle of the Desecrated Host (predella paintings)
        • Diverse paintings
      • Domenico Veneziano
      • Andrea del Castagno
        • Paintings in the 1440s
        • Famous Men and Women
        • Paintings in the 1450s
      • Piero della Francesca
        • Polyptychs
        • Legend of the True Cantankerous (fresco cycle in Arezzo)
          • Death of Adam
          • Procession of the Queen of Sheba; Coming together between the Queen of Sheba and Rex Solomon
          • Burial of the Wood
          • Vision of Constantine
          • Constantine'southward Victory over Maxentius
          • Torture of the Jew
          • Finding and Recognition of the Truthful Cross
          • Battle of Heraclius and Chosroes
          • Exaltation of the Cross
          • Annunciation
          • Other paintings in the Cappella Maggiore
          • Restoration of the fresco cycle
        • Various religious paintings
        • Portraits
        • Followers
      • Leon Battista Alberti
      • Desiderio da Settignano
      • Benedetto da Maiano
      • Mino da Fiesole
      • Paolo Romano
      • Agostino di Giovanni
      • Andrea Bregno
      • Antonio Bregno
      • Bertoldo di Giovanni
      • Bartolomeo Bon
      • Matteo Civitale
      • Giuliano da Sangallo
      • Francesco di Giorgio Martini
        • Paintings in the 1460s
        • Paintings in the 1470s
        • Late paintings (1488-1501)
        • Sculptures
        • Architecture
        • Graphics and illuminations
      • Bartolomeo Bellano
      • Giovanni Dalmata
      • Cristoforo Mantegazza
      • Antonio Rizzo
      • Silvestro Dell'Acquila
      • Guido Mazzoni
      • Benozzo Gozzoli
        • Early paintings (up to 1450)
        • Fresco bicycle in Montefalco (1450-52)
          • Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene three, Scene 4, Scene v, Scene half dozen, Scene 7, Scene 8, Scene nine, Scene 10, Scene 11, Scene 12
        • Procession of the Magi in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence (1459-sixty)
          • Procession of the Young King (east wall)
          • Procession of the Heart King (south wall)
          • Procession of the Quondam King (west wall)
          • Acuity of the Shepherds and Angels Worshipping (chancel)
        • Fresco cycle of St Augustine in the church building of Sant'Agostino, San Gimignano (1464-65)
          • Scenes 1-7
          • Scenes 8-17
          • Frescoes of saints on the pillars
        • Diverse paintings (between 1460 and 1471)
        • Tardily paintings (after 1471)
      • Niccolò da Foligno
      • Alesso Baldovinetti
      • Francesco Pesellino
      • Niccolò dell' Arca
      • Antonio del Pollaiuolo
        • Paintings
        • Sculptures
      • Piero Pollaiuolo
      • Andrea del Verrocchio
        • Paintings
        • Sculptures
      • Sandro Botticelli
        • Early paintings (up to 1472)
        • Paintings of relifious subject-matter (folio 1)
        • Paintings of religious subject-thing (page 2)
        • San Barnaba Altarpiece (c. 1488)
        • Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel
          • Scenes from the Life of Moses
          • Punishment of Korah
          • The Temptation of Christ
        • Allegoric paintings (1480s)
        • The Story of Nastagio degli Onesti
        • Portraits
        • San Marco Altarpiece (1490-92)
        • Scenic stories (1490s)
        • Late Paintings (from 1490)
        • Drawings
        • Illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy (1480-1500)
      • Domenico Ghirlandaio
        • Early works (1471-73)
        • The stories of St Fina at San Gimignano (1473-75)
        • Frescoes in Florence and Rome (1480-84)
        • Last Supper scenes
        • Ornamentation of the Sassetti Chapel (1482-85)
          • St Francis bicycle in the Sassetti Chapel
          • Admiration of the Shepherds
        • Frescoes in the Tornabuoni Chapel of Santa Maria Novella (1486-90)
          • Frescoes on the left wall: Stories of the Virgin
          • Frescoes on the correct wall: Stories of St John the Baptist
          • Frescoes on the rear wall and vaults
        • Console Paintings
        • Adoration of the Magi for the Spedale degli Innocenti (1488)
        • Drawings
      • Sassetta
        • Arte della Lana Altarpiece (Chantry of the Eucharist)
        • Diverse paintings
      • Giovanni di Paolo
      • Domenico di Bartolo
      • Matteo di Giovanni
      • Vecchietta
      • Pietro Perugino
        • Ornamentation of the Collegio del Cambio in Perugia
        • Paintings of Christ
        • Paintings of the Madonna
        • Paintings of Saints
        • Frescoes on the side walls of the Sistine Chapel
        • Frescoes on the ceiling of Stanza dell'Incendio di Borgo in Vatican
        • Miscellaneous paintings
      • Pinturicchio
        • Frescoes in the Baglioni Chapel in Spello
        • Frescoes in the Piccolomini Library of the Duomo in Siena
        • Frescoes in the Borgia Appartments of the Palazzi Pontifici in Vatican
        • Various frescoes and panels
      • Melozzo da Forlì
      • Francesco Laurana
      • Pisanello
        • Paintings
        • Medals
        • Drawings
      • Jacopo Bellini
      • Gentile Bellini
      • Giovanni Bellini
        • Paintings until 1459
        • Paintings betwixt 1460 and 1469
          • Polyptych of S. Vincenzo Ferreri
        • Paintings between 1470 and 1479
          • Pesaro Altarpiece
        • Paintings betwixt 1480 and 1489
          • Madonna with the Child, Saints and Angels (San Giobbe Altarpiece)
          • Madonna and Child Enthroned (Frari Triptych)
          • Barbarigo Altarpiece
        • Paintings between 1490 and 1499
        • Paintings between 1500 and 1509
          • San Zaccaria Altarpiece
        • Paintings after 1509
      • Andrea Mantegna
        • Frescoes in the Cappella Ovetari in the Chiesa degli Eremitani, Padua (1448-57)
        • San Luca Polyptych (1453)
        • Paintings before 1460
        • San Zeno Polyptych in Verona (1457-threescore)
        • Decoration of the chapel in Castello di San Giorgio, Mantua (1460-64)
        • Paintings in the 1460s
        • Frescoes in the Camera degli Sposi, Ducal Palace, Mantua (1471-74)
        • Paintings betwixt 1470 and 1490
        • Paintings in the 1490s
        • Triumphs of Caesar (1485-95)
        • Paintings between 1500 and 1506
        • Graphics
        • Sculptures
      • Antonello da Messina
      • Vittore Carpaccio
        • The Stories from the Life of St Ursula (1490-96)
          • The Stories from the Life of St Ursula (canvases Nos. ane-4)
          • The Stories from the Life of St Ursula (canvases Nos. 5-ix)
        • Paintings until 1509
        • Cycle in the San Giorgio degli Schiavoni (1502-07)
          • Cycle in the San Giorgio degli Schiavoni (episodes Nos. 1-4)
          • Cycle in the San Giorgio degli Schiavoni (episodes Nos. 5-vii)
        • Stories from the Life of St Stephen (1511-20)
        • Paintings from 1510
      • Carlo Crivelli
      • Vittorio Crivelli
      • Vincenzo Foppa
      • Filarete
      • Cristoforo Mantegazza
      • Cosmè Tura
        • Miscellaneous polyptychs
        • Roverella Polyptych
        • Frescoes in the Palazzo Schifanoia at Ferrara
        • Other paintings
      • Francesco del Cossa
        • Panels from the Griffoni Polyptych (1473)
        • Frescoes in the Palazzo Schifanoia at Ferrara
          • Allegory of March
          • Allegory of April
          • Allegory of May
      • Ercole de' Roberti
    • Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects
      • Luca della Robbia
      • Paolo Uccello
      • Lorenzo Ghiberti
      • Masaccio
      • Filippo Brunelleschi
      • Michelozzo
      • Donatello
      • Piero della Francesca
      • Fra Angelico
      • Leon Battista Alberti
      • Filippo Lippi
      • Jacopo, Gentile, and Giovanni Bellini
      • Sandro Botticelli
      • Andrea del Verrocchio
      • Andrea Mantegna
      • Carpaccio and other Lombards
      • Luca Signorelli
    • The Italian Renaissance (1420-1600) (through the WebMuseum, Paris), with links to:
      • The Early on Renaissance (through the WebMuseum, Paris), with links to:
        • Altichiero
        • Gentile da Fabriano
        • Fra Angelico
        • Sandro Botticelli
        • Domenico Ghirlandaio
        • Piero di Cosimo
        • Andrea Mantegna
        • Giovanni Bellini
        • Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
    • Artists in 15th-Century Italia (through Ballad Gerten's Art: Featured Artists):
      • Masaccio
      • Fra Angelico
      • Sandro Botticelli
      • Piero della Francesca
      • Benozzo Gozzoli
      • Filippino Lippi
      • Fra Filippo Lippi
      • Andrea Mantegna
      • Pietro Perugino
      • Luca Signorelli
    • Quattrocento Painting (through artpx)
    • 15th-Century Artists in Italy (through Olga'south Gallery)
      • Fra Angelico (c.1395-1455)
      • Antonello da Messina (1430-79)
      • Jacopo Bellini (1400-1470/71)
      • Gentile Bellini (1429-1507)
      • Gentile da Fabriano (1370/80-1427)
      • Alessandro Botticelli (1444-1510)
      • Vittore Carpaccio (c.1455/65-1525/26)
      • Andrea del Castagno (c. 1421/23 - 1457)
      • Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano (1459 - 1518)
      • Francesco del Cossa (c.1436-1477/78)
      • Carlo Crivelli (1436-1477/78)
      • Domenico Veneziano (1405/10-1461)
      • Jean Fouquet (French, 1415/20 - 1480)
      • Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494)
      • Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506)
      • Masaccio (1401-1428)
      • Masolino (1383-1440)
      • Filippino Lippi (1457-1504)
      • Fra Filippo Lippi (1406-1469)
      • Pietro Perugino (1448-1523)
      • Piero della Francesca (1416/17-1492)
      • Luca Signorelli (1441-1523)
      • Cosmè Tura (c.1430-1495)
      • Paolo Uccello (1397-1475)
      • Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488)
    • Italian Painting 15th century, in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, with tours
      • Painting in Siena in the 14th and Early 15th Centuries
      • The Early Renaissance in Florence
      • Portrait Painting in Florence in the Later 1400s
      • Patrons and Artists in Late 15th-Century Florence
      • Siena in the 1400s
      • Venetian Painting in the Early Renaissance
    • The Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi in the National Gallery of Fine art, Washington, DC
    • Digital Dante Project (Columbia University), with an Prototype Drove - including Botticelli
    • Renaissance Sculpture (through Thais: 1200 years of Italian Sculpture)
      • Agostino di Giovanni
      • Agostino di Duccio
      • Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi
      • Giovanni Antonio Amadeo
      • Giovanni Bandini
      • Bartolomeo Bellano
      • Benedetto da Maiano
      • Bertoldo di Giovanni
      • Andrea Bregno
      • Benedetto Briosco
      • Filippo Brunelleschi
      • Giacomo Cozzarelli
      • Andrea Della Robbia
      • Luca Della Robbia
      • Desiderio da Settignano
      • Domenico di Paris
      • Donatello
      • Gaudenzio Ferrari
      • Filarete
      • Francesco di Giorgio Martini
      • Gian Cristoforo Romano
      • Francesco Laurana
      • Pietro Lombardo
      • Maestro Lombardo 1470 circa
      • Maestro Lombardo 1485 circa
      • Cristoforo east Antonio Mantegazza
      • Guido Mazzoni
      • Michelozzo di Bartolomeo
      • Mino da Fiesole
      • Neroccio di Bartolomeo Landi
      • Niccolò dell' Arca
      • Antonio Pollajolo
      • Antonio Rizzo
      • Antonio Rossellino
      • Bernardo Rossellino
      • Cristoforo Solari
      • Vecchietta
      • Andrea del Verrocchio
    • Renaissance Sculpture (through Mark Harden'due south Artchive)
    • Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture (Library of Congress Vatican exhibit)
    • Renaissance Compages, 15th and 16th century (part of a History of Western Architecture, through the Leo Masuda Architectonic Research Office), with links to
      • S. Maria Del Fiore
      • Ospedale degli Innocenti
      • Cappella dei Pazzi
      • Sant Spirito
      • Palazzo Medici-Riccardi
      • Palazzo Pitti
      • San Francesco (Tempio Malatestiano)
      • Sant' Andrea
      • S. Maria Novella
      • Tempietto
      • S. Maria della Step (Facade)
      • Palazzo Vidoni-Caffarelli
      • Palazzo Farnese
      • Chateau de Blois
      • S. Pietro (Michelangelo, others)
    • Pazzi Chapel, S. Croce, Florence (through DIAP Columbia University)
    • Alberti On Painting (English translation of the text of the treatise, through Notebook)
      • Introduction
      • Prologue
      • Volume One
      • Volume Ii
      • Book 3
      • Sources
    • Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), Bibliografia 1995-2014
    • Harmony and Proportion, by John Boyd-Brent, M.A.(Royal College of Art), with sections devoted to:
      • Composition (Plato, Timaeus)
      • Music and Space (Pythagoras)
      • Harmony and Proportion (Leon Battista Alberti)
      • Palladio
        • The Proportions of Rooms
        • The Arithmetics Mean
        • The Geometric Hateful
        • The Harmonic Mean
      • The Square Root of Ii (Summary)
    • The Art of Renaissance Scientific discipline (Galileo and Perspective), with links to discussions of:
      • Introduction
      • Galileo
        • Office I: The Early Years
        • Function Two: Heavenly Bodies
        • Role 3: The Inquisition
      • Renaissance Art and Mathematical Perspective
        • Part I: Early Attempts to Depict the Existent Earth in Art
        • Role 2: Vesalius and the Study of the Homo Anatomy
        • Function 3: Masters of the Human Figure
      • From Human Compages to Architectural Construction
        • Part I: Brunelleschi and the Origin of Linear Perspective
        • Part 2: Applications of the Method of Perspective in Renaissance Art
        • Role III: The Imporance of Mathematics to Art in the Renaissance
        • Part IV: Examples from the Work of Boromini and Leonardo da Vinci
        • Role V: The School of Athens
      • Galileo and the Mathematics of Movement
        • Role I: The Inclined Plane Experiments
        • Role Two: Galileo's Analysis of Parabolic Motility
      • Conclusion
        • Part I: The Evolving View of Scientific Knowledge
        • Function Ii: The Interaction of Artists and Scientists in the Renaissance
    • Leonardo and the Engineers of the Renaissance (exhibition at the Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence)
    • The Church San Francesco in Arezzo: Piero della Francesca'south fresco cycle (through the Spider web Gallery of Art)
    • The Piero Project (Piero della Francesca - Princeton University)
    • The Piero Project (WWW version)

    Top of page

    • Loftier Renaissance Artists (list and links provided through the Artcyclopedia)
    • High Renaissance and Mannerism (through WikiPaintings)
      • Giovanni Bellini
      • Correggio
      • Leonardo da Vinci
      • Giorgione
      • Michelangelo
      • Raphael
      • Titian
      • Giuseppe Arcimboldo
      • Parmigianino
      • Paolo Veronese
    • Artists in 16th-Century Italy (through the Web Gallery of Art, created by Emil Kren and Daniel Marx)
      • Leonardo da Vinci
        • Paintings until 1480
        • Paintings in the 1480s
        • Paintings in the 1490s
        • Belatedly paintings (1501-20)
        • Copies and workshop works
        • The Battle of Anghiari
        • Studies to paintings later executed (page 1)
        • Studies to paintings later executed (folio 2)
        • Head studies
        • Various studies
        • Anatomical studies
        • Studies of nature
        • Drawings of engineering themes
        • Maps
        • Architectural studies
        • Sculptures and studies to sculptures
      • Michelangelo
        • Sculptures
          • Sculptures until 1501
          • Sculptures from 1502
          • David
          • Tomb of Pope Julius Ii
          • Tomb of the Medicis
          • Representations of the Pietà
        • Paintings
        • Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel
          • Segmentation of the ceiling frescoes
          • Biblical Scenes (Genesis)
            • Drunkenness of Noah
            • The Drench
            • Sacrifice of Noah
            • The Fall and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
              • More details from The Fall and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
            • Creation of Eve
            • Creation of Adam
            • Separation of the Earth from the Waters
            • Creation of the Dominicus, Moon, and Plants
            • Separation of Low-cal from Darkness
          • Ignudi (decorative nude figures)
          • Prophets
          • Sibyls
          • Frescoes in the corner pendentives
          • Frescoes in the lunettes (Ancestors of Christ)
          • Frescoes in the triangular spandrels (Ancestors of Christ)
          • Medallions
          • The Terminal Sentence
            • Details from the left side of the Concluding Judgement
            • Details from the right side of the Final Judgement
        • Drawings
          • Early on Drawings
          • Studies to the Battle of Cascina
          • Studies for Sculpture
          • Studies to the Sistine Chapel frescoes
          • Drawings for sculptures and paintings in the Medici Chapel
          • Drawings dedicated to Tommaso dei Cavalieri
          • Drawings of the Madonna and Child
          • Drawings related to Christ'southward life (Crucifixion, Pietà, Entombment)
          • Drafts for paintings realized by Michelangelo'southward friends
          • Diverse drawings
        • Architectural works
          • Architectural works earlier 1530
          • Architectural works after 1530
      • Raphael
        • Early paintings (upwardly to 1504)
        • Paintings during the stay in Florence (1505-09)
          • Paintings during the stay in Florence (1505-06)
          • Paintings during the stay in Florence (1507-08)
        • Paintings during trips to Umbria (1505-08)
        • Decoration of the Stanze in the Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican
          • Stanza della
            • Stanza della Segnatura: The School of Athens
            • Stanza della Segnatura: La Disputa
            • Stanza della Segnatura: The Parnassus
            • Stanza della Segnatura: The Cardinal Virtues and two scenes
            • Stanza della Segnatura: ceiling frescoes
          • Stanza di Eliodoro
          • Stanza dell'Incendio di Borgo
          • Stanza di Constantino
        • Paintings in Rome (1510-20)
          • Paintings in Rome (1509-12)
          • Paintings in Rome (1513-xiv)
          • Paintings in Rome (1515-17)
          • Paintings in Rome: Loggetta (1516-17) and Loggia (1518-19) in the Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican
          • Decoration of the Loggia di Psiche in the Villa Farnesina (1517-18)
          • Paintings in Rome (1518-twenty)
        • Tapestries and their cartoons
        • Drawings
      • Baldassare Peruzzi
      • Fra Bartolomeo
      • Mariotto Albertinelli
      • Luca Signorelli
        • Fresco Wheel in the San Brizio Chapel, Cathedral, Orvieto
          • Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist; Apocalypse
          • Resurrection of the Flesh
          • The Damned and The Elect
          • The Elect Being Called to Paradise and The Damned Being Plunged into Hell
          • Frescoes on the Vault and Decoration
        • Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel
      • Antonio Lombardo
      • Il Riccio
      • Piero di Cosimo
        • Allegorical and mythological paintings
        • Other paintings
      • Francesco Granacci
      • Ridolfo Ghirlandaio
      • Giuliano Bugiardini
      • Francesco Ubertini, Il Bacchiacca
      • Bramante (painting)
      • Il Sodoma
      • Sebastiano del Piombo
      • Giulio Romano
        • Palazzo del Te in Mantua (1526-34)
          • Frescoes in the Sala dei Giganti (1532-34)
          • Frescoes in the Sala di Psiche (1526-28)
          • Frescoes in various rooms (1526-28)
        • Decoration of Federico Gonzaga's official flat in the Palazzo Ducale, Mantua (1536-40)
        • Miscellaneous paintings and drawings
      • Marcantonio Raimondi
      • Daniele da Volterra
      • Francesco Franciabigio
      • Andrea del Sarto
        • Paintings before 1520
        • Paintings betwixt 1520 and 1525
        • Paintings after 1525
      • Pontormo
        • Early works (1514-1520)
        • Ornamentation of the Villa Medici, Poggio a Caiano (1519-1521)
        • Mature works (after 1520)
        • Ornamentation of the Cappella Capponi in Santa Felicità in Florence
        • Drawings
      • Rosso Fiorentino
        • Paintings until 1523
        • Paintings after 1523
      • Domenico Beccafumi
      • Properzia de' Rossi
      • Correggio
        • Frescoes in Parma
        • Paintings of the Madonna
        • Mythological paintings
      • Parmigianino
      • Pordenone
      • Vincenzo Catena
      • Giorgione
        • Portraits
        • Paintings of religious subject-matter
        • The Tempest
        • Various paintings
      • Titian
        • Paintings of religious discipline-thing (1510s)
        • Paintings in the Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice (1516-29)
        • Paintings in the Santa Maria della Salute, Venice (1510-45)
        • Paintings of religious subject-thing (1520s)
        • Paintings of religious subject-matter (1530s)
        • Paintings of religious subject area-matter (1540s)
        • Paintings of religious discipline-thing (1550s)
        • Paintings of religious field of study-matter (1560s)
        • Paintings of religious bailiwick-thing (1570s)
        • Mythological and allegorical paintings (before 1540)
        • Mythological paintings for the castle of Ferrara (1516-24)
        • Mythological paintings (poesie) for Philip 2 (1553-62)
        • Mythological and emblematic paintings (from 1540)
        • Portraits
          • Portraits of women
          • Portraits of men (before 1546)
          • Portraits of men (from 1546)
          • Group or companion portraits
        • Graphics
      • Palma Vecchio
      • Palma Giovane
        • Paintings (Page 1)
        • Paintings (Folio 2)
      • Lorenzo Lotto
        • Paintings until 1506 (Treviso)
        • Paintings between 1506 and 1513 (Recanati and Rome)
        • Paintings between 1513 and 1524 (Bergamo)
        • Frescoes in the Oratorio Suardi, Trescore (1523-24)
        • Paintings betwixt 1525 and 1533 (Venice)
        • Paintings between 1533 and 1540 (The Marches)
        • Paintings from 1540 (Venice, Ancona Loreto)
      • Giovanni Bussi, Il Cariani
      • Paris Bordone
      • Bonifazio de' Pitati (Bonifacio Veronese)
      • Cesare da Sesto
      • Bramantino
      • Dosso Dossi
      • Girolamo Savoldo
      • Girolamo Romanino
      • Moretto da Brescia
      • Boccaccio Boccaccino
      • Camillo Boccaccino
      • Bernardino Luini
      • Gaudenzio Ferrari
      • Garofalo (Benvenuto Tisi)
      • Girolamo da Carpi
      • Amico Aspertini
      • Niccolo dell'Abbate
      • Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli
      • Sofonisba Anguissola
      • Lucia Anguissola
      • Lavinia Fontana
      • Pellegrino Tibaldi
      • Bartolommeo Passarotti
      • Scarsellino
      • Giulio Campi
      • Vincenzo Campi
      • Giovanni Battista Moroni
      • Luca Cambiaso
      • Tintoretto
        • Paintings of religious subject-matter (1540s)
        • Paintings of religious subject-affair (1550s)
        • Paintings in the church of Madonna dell'Orto (1552-62)
        • Paintings of religious subject-matter (1560s)
        • Paintings for the Scuola Grande di San Marco (1548, 1562-66)
        • Paintings for the Scuola Grande di San Rocco
        • Paintings in the church of San Rocco (1549, 1567)
        • Paintings of religious bailiwick-thing (1570s)
        • Paintings in the Palazzo Ducale (1580)
        • Paintings of religious subject area-matter (after 1580)
        • Paintings of Old Testament themes
        • Paintings of mythological and emblematic themes
        • Portraits
        • Graphics
      • Paolo Veronese
        • Paintings of religious subject field-matter (1540s)
        • Paintings of religious subject-matter (1550s)
        • Paintings in the church of San Sebastiano (1555-65)
        • Paintings in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary, Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo (1558-80)
        • Paintings of religious subject-matter (1560s)
        • Paintings of religious discipline-matter (1570s)
        • Late paintings (1580s)
        • Paintings of feasts (banquets)(1560-1573)
        • Frescoes in the Villa Barbaro, Maser (1560-61)
        • Paintings in Palazzo Ducale
        • Paintings in the Salon of the Biblioteca Marciana (1556-lx)
        • Paintings of mythological and allegorical subjects
        • Paintings of historical and Sometime Testament themes
        • Portraits
      • Andrea Meldolla Schiavone
      • Jacopo Bassano
      • Jacopo Sansovino
      • Alessandro Vittoria
      • Vincenzo Danti
      • Benvenuto Cellini
      • Bartolomeo Ammanati
      • Guglielmo della Porta
      • Michele Sanmicheli
      • Jacopo Sansovino
      • Andrea Palladio
      • Giambologna
        • Sculptures (folio ane)
        • Sculptures (page two)
      • Agnolo Bronzino
        • Portraits of the Medici
        • Other Portraits
        • Paintings of Religious Subjects
        • Paintings in the Chapel of Eleonora in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence (1540-45)
        • Paintings of Allegories
      • Francesco Salviati
      • Giorgio Vasari
        • Paintings
        • Frescoes
      • Mirabello Cavalori
      • Alessandro Allori
      • Giovanni Battista Naldini
      • Francesco Morandini da Poppi
      • Girolamo Macchietti
      • Giuseppe Arcimboldo
        • Early on works in Milan
        • Portraits for the Holy Roman Emperor
        • Allegories of the Seasons and the Elements (blended heads)
        • Composite and reversible heads
        • Nature studies
        • Costumes and drawings for court festivities and tournaments
        • Treatise on silk culture and industry
        • Various drawings
      • Santi di Tito
      • Federico Barocci
      • Fede Galizia
      • Jacopo Ligozzi
      • Girolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta
      • Girolamo Muziano
      • Domenico Passigano (Domenico Cresti)
      • Jacopo da Empoli
      • Francesco Vanni
      • Taddeo Zuccaro
      • Federico Zuccaro
      • Jacopo Zucchi
      • Scipione Pulzone
      • Cristofano Roncalli (Il Pomarancio)
      • Giuseppe Cesari (Il Cavaliere d'Arpino)
    • Italian Renaissance Art Project
    • Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects
      • Leonardo da Vinci
      • Giorgione
      • Correggio
      • Raphael
      • Michelangelo
      • Titian
      • Tintoretto
    • The Italian Renaissance (1420-1600) (through the WebMuseum, Paris), with links to:
      • The Loftier Renaissance, with links to:
        • Leonardo da Vinci, with boosted links to:
          • From Sketches to Paintings
          • Mona Lisa (La Joconde) (Musée du Louvre, Paris)
        • Michelangelo
        • Raphael, with an additional link to:
          • Pope Leo X with ii Cardinals (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence)
        • Titian, with an boosted link to:
          • Madonna with Saints and Members of the Pesaro Family, S. Maria dei Frari, Venice
        • Correggio
        • Agnolo Bronzino
        • Dosso Dossi
        • Jacopo Bassano
        • Tintoretto
        • Federico Barocci
    • Artists in 16th-Century Italian republic (through Carol Gerten's Fine Fine art: Featured Artists)
      • Giovanni Bellini
      • Agnolo Bronzino
      • Correggio
      • Rosso Fiorentino
      • Giorgione
      • Lorenzo Lotto
      • Michelangelo
      • Jacopo da Pontormo
      • Raphael
      • Luca Signorelli
      • Titian
      • Paolo Veronese
      • Leonardo da Vinci
    • Artists in 16th-Century Italia (through Olga's Gallery)
      • Giuseppe Arcimboldo
      • Fra Bartolommeo
      • Correggio
      • Ridolfo Ghirlandaio
      • Giorgione
      • Leonardo da Vinci
      • Lorenzo Lotto
      • Michelangelo
      • Raphael
      • Titian
      • Marcello Venusti
    • Paintings of Giuseppe Arcimboldo (through Bert Christensen'due south CyberSpace Galleries)
    • Italian Painting of the 16th Century, in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, with selected tours
      • Raphael
      • Venice and the North
      • Fresco Bicycle with the Story of Procris and Cephalus
      • The Feast of the Gods
      • Giorgione and the High Renaissance in Venice
      • Mannerism
      • Titian and the Belatedly Renaissance in Venice
      • Venetian Painting in the Later Sixteenth Century
    • Mannerist Compages (role of a History of Western Architecture, through the Leo Masuda Architectonic Inquiry Function), with links to
      • Palazzo del Te
      • Southward. Giorgio Maggiore
      • Villa Rotonda
      • Palazzo Chiericati
      • Museo Capitolino
      • Porta Pia
    • Cesariano'southward Vitruvius (1521) (through Michael Greenhalgh's ArtServe at The Australian National University)
    • 671 Images from Serlio's Architettura (1537-51) (through Michael Greenhalgh'southward ArtServe at The Australian National Academy)
    • The Sistine Chapel in Vatican (through the Spider web Gallery of Art)
    • Across the Fingers: The Sistine Chapel Revealed (Roni Ben-Nun)
    • Sistine Chapel (through The Holy Run into, The Vatican)
      • Ceiling
        • Fundamental Stories
        • Prophets and Sibyls
        • Webs (curved triangular panels to a higher place the lunettes)
      • Lunettes - North wall
      • Lunettes - South wall
      • Lunettes - Entrance wall
      • Pendentives
      • Last Judgement
    • Raphael's Rooms (through Vatican city, The Vatican)
      • Room of Constantine
        • Vision of the Cantankerous
        • Battle of Constantine confronting Maxentius
        • Baptism of Constantine
        • Donation of Rome
        • Ceiling - Triumph of the Christian Religion
      • Room of Heliodorus
        • Mass at Bolsena
        • Liberation of St. Peter
        • Encounter of Leo the Peachy with Attila
        • Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple
        • Ceiling
      • Room of the Segnatura
        • Disputation over the Near Holy Sacrament
        • Schoolhouse of Athens, with a large version
        • Cardinal and Theological Virtues and the Law
        • Parnassus
        • Ceiling
      • Room of the Fire in the Borgo
        • Crowning of Charlemagne
        • Justification of Leo 3
        • Fire in the Borgo
        • Battle of Ostia
        • Ceiling
    • La Fornarina: Analisi di un dipinto (Lorenza Mochi Onori), with an Index
      • Restauro, Le indagini scientifiche svolte
      • Attribuzione, Le novità portate dal restauro
      • Fortuna e Mito, Dal Cinquecento all'Ottocento
      • Iconografia, Studio iconografico
      • Documenti, Testimonianze sul dipinto
      • Bibliografia, Testi e studi sull'opera
      • Mappa, Visione d'insieme dei documenti
    • Raphael Research Resource
    • Leonardo da Vinci (though the National Museum of Science and Technology, Milan)
    • Leonardo da Vinci: Scientist, Inventor, Creative person (exhibition at the Museum of Scientific discipline, Boston)
    • Leonardo's Horse, completed in 1999 by the sculptor Nina Akamu
    • Giorgio Vasari: Life of Leonardo da Vinci 1550 (through the Medieval Sourcebook)
    • The Digital Michelangelo Projection (Marc Levoy, Stanford University)
    • Paintings in the Pinacoteca Vaticana (through The holy see, The Vatican)
      • Room Viii. 16th cent. (Raphael)
      • Room IX. 15th-16th cent. (Leonardo)
      • Room Ten. 16th cent. (school of Raphael and Venetian painting)
      • Room XI. 16th cent. (Barocci)
    • Italian Sculpture: Sixteenth Century (through Thais: 1200 years of Italian Sculpture)
      • Bartolomeo Ammannati
      • Giovanni Bandini
      • Andrea Briosco (il Riccio)
      • Michelangelo Buonarroti
      • Vincenzo Danti
      • Benvenuto Cellini
      • Valerio Cioli
      • Giambologna
      • Taddeo Landini
      • Tullio Lombardo
      • Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli
      • Sansovino (Jacopo Tatti called il Sansovino)
    • Palladio's Italian Villas, with links to:
      • Introduction
      • Five of Palladio'southward most of import villas
      • Palladio's Surviving Villas
      • The Secrets of Palladio's Villas
      • Palladio'due south Life: Biographical Highlights
      • Political Timeline of the Commonwealth of Venice
      • An Introductory Bibliography
    Meridian of page
    Wikipedia / Wikimedia Eatables
    • Renaissance Art (Wikipedia)
      • Italian Renaissance painting
      • High Renaissance
      • Themes in Italian Renaissance painting
    • Renaissance Architecture (Wikipedia)

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    • DUECENTO (13th century)
      • Bonaventura Berlinghieri
      • Coppo di Marcovaldo
      • Guido da Siena
      • Cimabue
      • Pietro Cavallini
      • Andrea Pisano
      • Giovanni Pisano
      • Nicola Pisano
      • Nino Pisano
      • Arnolfo di Cambio
    • TRECENTO (14th century)
      • Giotto di Bondone
      • Maso di Banco
      • Agnolo Gaddi
      • Taddeo Gaddi
      • Master of Saint Cecilia
      • Saint Francis wheel in the Upper Church building of San Francesco at Assisi
      • Duccio di Buoninsegna
      • Simone Martini
      • Pietro Lorenzetti
      • Ambrogio Lorenzetti
      • Andrea Orcagna
      • Nardo di Cione
      • Giovanni da Milano
      • Barna da Siena
      • Lorenzo Monaco
      • Paolo Veneziano
      • Spinello Aretino
      • Altichiero
      • Bonino da Campione
      • Francesco di Valdambrino
    • QUATTROCENTO (15th century)
      • Filippo Brunelleschi
      • Lorenzo Ghiberti
      • Donatello
      • Nanni di Banco
      • Jacopo della Quercia
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      • Masolino
      • Fra Angelico
      • Fra Filippo Lippi
      • Filippino Lippi
      • Luca della Robbia
      • Andrea della Robbia
      • Giovanni della Robbia
      • Bernardo Rossellino
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      • Agostino di Duccio
      • Francesco di Giorgio Martini
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      • Antonio del Pollaiuolo
      • Andrea del Verrocchio
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      • Matteo di Giovanni
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      • Pinturicchio
      • Francesco Laurana
      • Pisanello
      • Gentile Bellini
      • Giovanni Bellini
      • Andrea Mantegna
      • Antonello da Messina
      • Vittore Carpaccio
      • Carlo Crivelli
      • Vincenzo Foppa
      • Francesco del Cossa
      • Ercole de' Roberti
      • Luca Signorelli
    • CINQUECENTO (16th century)
      • Leonardo da Vinci
      • Michelangelo Buonarotti
      • Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio)
      • Fra Bartolomeo
      • Mariotto Albertinelli
      • Piero di Cosimo
      • Francesco Granacci
      • Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio
      • Bacchiacca
      • Donato Bramante
      • Sodoma
      • Sebastiano del Piombo
      • Giulio Romano
      • Marcantonio Raimondi
      • Daniele da Volterra
      • Franciabigio
      • Andrea del Sarto
      • Jacopo Pontormo
      • Rosso Fiorentino
      • Domenico Beccafumi
      • Antonio da Correggio
      • Parmigianino
      • Vincenzo Catena
      • Giorgione
      • Titian
      • Palma il Vecchio
      • Lorenzo Lotto
      • Giovanni Cariani
      • Paris Bordone
      • Dossi Dossi
      • Giovan Gerolamo Savoldo
      • Girolamo Romanino
      • Moretto da Brescia
      • Camillo Boccaccino
      • Bernardino Luini
      • Gaudenzio Ferrari
      • Amico Aspertini
      • Sofonisba Anguissola
      • Lavinia Fontana
      • Giovanni Battista Moroni
      • Jacopo Tintoretto
      • Paolo Veronese
      • Andrea Palladio
      • Andrea Sansovino
      • Benvenuto Cellini
      • Bartolomeo Ammanati
      • Giambologna
      • Angelo Bronzino
      • Francesco Salviati
      • Giorgio Vasari
      • Alessandro Allori
      • Federico Barocci
      • Taddeo Zuccari
      • Federico Zuccaro
      • Giuseppe Arcimboldo
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      • Perugia
      • Pienza
      • Pisa
      • Prato
      • Rome
      • Siena
      • Urbino
      • Vatican
      • Venice
      • Verona


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